Pioneer Children

Pioneer Children

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Regular price $39.99

This piece reminds me of the resilience and quiet strength that history bestowed upon the youngest of hearts. Under the soft light sifting through the trees, I see the fortitude of two young souls, stepping through a world of their ancestors' making. It is not merely a scene but a testament to the spirit of youth that endured the untamed promise of a new land.

It is a mirror reflecting the endurance and hope that characterizes the pioneer spirit. These children, with their simple attire and earnest gazes, embody the unspoken tales of countless journeys made with similar baskets and wide-brimmed hats. A a legacy of courage, of journeys across vast lands, and of the gentle yet unyielding spirit that underpins the narrative of our shared history.


Custom Orders & Special Requests: If you have a specific vision or a particular space to fill, I'm open to discussing special requests. Please email me at: to discuss custom sizes or bulk orders.

Requests: If you have a specific vision or a particular space to fill, I'm open to discussing special requests. Reach out to me here to discuss custom sizes or bulk orders.

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